Is Voice Search the Next Big Travel Technology Trend?

2 min readOct 19, 2021

Voice search, also known as voice-controlled search or voice-enabled search, is a process where a user can search the world wide web, a specific website, or an application through voice commands.

Typically, the voice commands provided by the user substitute the text inputs connected with more conventional searches. Using voice recognition technology, human speech is transformed into a search query. This can be remarkably beneficial on devices where typing is difficult or for people who find it challenging to type.These days, voice search can be used on many devices, that includes smartphones, computers, smartwatches and smart TVs. Using text-to-speech, the input is converted into text format or may be read aloud.

Why Should Companies in the Travel Industry Should Incorporate Voice Search?

The most influential reason businesses in the travel industry demand to encompass voice search is that travel buyers already have.

Major companies like Amazon, Google, Microsoft, and Apple in voice recognition technology and voice search abilities have improved the outcomes massively. In fact, the Digital Marketing Institute article highlights that Google has improved its voice recognition accuracy to above 90 per cent.

This has had a ripple effect on consumer behaviour, with more travellers exercising the technology as it has grown to be trustworthy.This means voice search in travel and tourism is here to stay. The organisations that neglect to adopt the technology only limit their reach by skipping a meaningful demographic of regular voice search users. Voice search is commonly applied to explore, find and book air tickets, hotel rooms, tour packages and more.

What Are The Perks of Voice Search for Travel Businesses?

There are several advantages linked with encompassing voice search in the travel industry. You are yet to find out more about significant benefits.

1. Enhance the Customer Experience

The customer experience has to be a top priority for those who own a travel business because it is the basis for many people to make their decisions. Including voice search in travel can improve the customer experience by implementing greater convenience for buyers making bookings.

2.Generate More Website Traffics

Another big reason for travel businesses introducing a greater focus on voice search is boosting website traffic. The truth is that some travellers now broadly use voice search, particularly if they are in the fashion of shifting to virtual assistants.

Scrutinizing web content with voice search is one of the ways to reach out and attract travellers to your website.

3.Stay Ahead of Competitors

The other major cause why you should embrace a voice search strategy for your travel business is that you can gain significant competitive leverage over rivals.

This is notably true if you can develop innovative ways to capitalize on the technology, such as allowing clients to use voice search while they are on your propositions.




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